Ladies Aid Meeting
April 2 12:00 pm
The Trinity Women’s Ministry aims to connect women with other women, working to build one another up in Christ and to build positive, strong, and healthy relationships with God and with others (Proverbs 31).
Our goal is that women will be able to speak with wisdom, trust in the Lord, be hardworking, teach the Gospel, and care for others (Proverbs 31:26-29).
Led by Kathy Zappitell: 2nd & 4th Thursdays 10:00am
All are welcome to our drop-in Bible study! Come as you are to this no-homework, casual environment Bible study where you can meet old and new friends. This study is in our Meeting Lounge and is perfect for women who want to meet Thursday mornings and drop in as their schedule allows!
Led by Becki Konkel: Thursday nights at 7:00 pm in room #207
A 7-session Bible Study. Imagine walking the dusty roads of Galilee with Jesus of Nazareth – braving jostling crowds just to touch the edge of His cloak and hear Him say, “Take heart, daughter, your faith has healed you.” We will be studying Jesus and Women by Kristi McLelland, who will transport us back to Jesus’ world, following in the footsteps of the women who came face-to-face with the Living God. Books are available at Lifeway.com or Amazon.
Outreach to families who have lost premature babies or newborns, usually meets first Saturday of each month. Contact Janet Schaaf 586-566-0077.
Lutheran Women’s Missionary League (LWML) – Lutheran Women in Mission – is an official auxiliary of The Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod. Since 1942, Lutheran Women in Mission have joyfully proclaimed Christ, supported missions and equipped women to honor God by serving others.
The Mite Box: Money collected in this little box is the way Mission grants are funded both at the Michigan District and the National LWML levels. Over LWML’s 80 years of existence, $127 Million in grants have been awarded to organizations that reached into 81 countries on five continents. For the Michigan District 2022-2024 Grant Years, the Mite goal is $275,000. For the National LWML Grant Years 2021-2023, the Mite goal is $2,150,000.
Trinity’s LWML Society: meets the second Monday of September, November, January, March and May. Regular meetings feature Bible study, mission speakers, reports, projects, and Mite Box devotions and collection. Special events include the February Valentine Tea and May Banquet with guest speaker.
Trinity Quilters: meet once a month on Fridays or Wednesdays during the summer to assemble quilts to be sent to Lutheran World Relief. These quilts get sent around the world to assist those left homeless or those in need when disasters strike. (Organized by Trinity’s LWML)
Officers of the LWML
Co-Presidents — Gail Terey, Melissa Maliskey
Secretary — Phyllis McGrady
Treasurer — Dolores Hempel
Christian Growth — Judy Hawley, Cheryl Sy
Mission Service — Noreen Mullen, Vacant
Social Committee — Doris Schlegel, Bev Hepner
Quilting Coordinator – Gail Terey
For additional information, contact Gail Terey at gmterey@aol.com.
Related Websites: Michigan District LWML – https://lwmlmichigan.org
National LWML – https://www.lwml.org
Please click here to download the 2022-2023 Trinity LWML Calendar.
1942-2022 – 80 years of “Serving the Lord with Gladness”
Motto: “With these hands we serve the Lord.” As Trinity’s oldest organization founded in 1896, for over 125 years the Trinity Ladies Aid has fulfilled this motto.
Mission: Assist in and support projects the congregation has adopted. Provide its members an opportunity for spiritual growth, service, and fellowship. Help with the interior and exterior improvements of the church properties.
Membership: All women who are communicant members of Trinity Lutheran Church may join.
Meetings: Held the first Wednesday of the month unless otherwise scheduled.
Special Events: Many of our members participate and volunteer in Trinity’s annual “Christmas A-Glow” celebration. We also have a June outing.
Fundraisers/Funding: Rummage sales in spring and fall. Freewill offerings at meetings. We participate and assist in local mission opportunities and fundraisers when possible as well.
Ongoing Service:
Rummage Sale Coordinators:
Heart for Hands:
We would love to expand our activities, but need more members to accomplish this. If you are interested in being the hands and feet of Jesus within our congregation, please consider joining Ladies’ Aid. Watch the Evangelist for announcements of the regular meetings or contact President Cathy Haslett at haslettc@comcast.net.
Coordinator – Jeanne Touchette
E-mail prayer requests to Jeanne at: jeanne@touchettefamily.com