April Friday Flock
April 4 11:00 am - 1:00 pm
As long as you're able to meet, you're welcome! Our Senior's Ministry has plenty of opportunities to connect with one another so that we can lift each other up as God's people.
Friday Flock is a monthly communion service designed to accommodate all who find it difficult to worship on a weekly basis. Friday Flock typically meets on the first Friday of every month, though there are exceptions. Participants include residents from retirement centers, nursing homes, and shut-ins, people with walkers, in wheelchairs, and those whose work schedules interfere with regular weekly worship. Services are usually scheduled on the first Friday of each month, beginning at 11:00 a.m.
The Golden Circle is a senior’s organization for members and friends of Trinity, 60+ years of age or retired. The organization currently boasts a membership of 150+.
The goal of the organization as reflected in its mission statement is to minister to adults (60+) so that they enjoy a relationship with Jesus Christ and His people, continue to grow in service to each other, and make Jesus known in their contacts in the community and throughout the world.
If you have a loved one who is unable to come to worship, we would love to bring worship to them by having either a pastor or an elder pay them a monthly visit. At this visit your loved one will have the opportunity to receive communion. The pastor or elder will read scripture, lift up prayers on the shut-in’s behalf, and share a friendly conversation.
Throughout the week Trinity’s Pastoral team and Elders visit those who are in the hospital offering prayers on their behalf and sharing the scriptures with them. If you have a loved one in the hospital please do not hesitate to contact us and request a visit.
For more information or to schedule a visit, please contact the church office at 586-731-4490.
This important ministry connects seniors to one another through special events and regular relationship building opportunities.