Wherever you are in life, you will always have a next step to take as you grow. Trinity is here FOR YOU as we move forward together in faith, hope, and love along the path God has planned for us. Learning to travel that path with Him is called discipleship, and we want to be there alongside you as you discover God's plan and purpose for your life.
We acknowledge that everyone’s relationship with Jesus progresses differently, but at Trinity we are intentional of being part of worship, community, Bible study, and service to others. We believe that if we are intentional to be in all three of our discipleship components, we will experience a much fuller spiritual life with Jesus and others.
Are you ready to start? It's as simple as 3, 2, 1...
Worship THREE times a month.
God has called us to set aside time to focus on Him and find rest from our day-to-day lives in worship. We also worship God when we actively support the church's mission with our resources, including our time, energy, gifts, abilities, and finances.
WORSHIP INFORMATIONConnect with others around God's Word TWO times a month.
Engaging in Bible study brings people together around God's Word. Our relationship with God grows as we learn to daily connect with Him. We also believe it is important to engage in meaningful relationships, to share our faith and life together in community with others.
FIND A BIBLE STUDYServe others ONE time a month.
We are called to be the hands and feet of Jesus by serving others. Trinity offers many opportunities to serve through our various ministries.
LIVE IT OUT the rest of the month.
Every minute of every day is an opportunity to share Christ's story with love to those around us. Whether in our homes, neighborhoods, at school, on the job, with friends, on the field, or out in the community, we have been uniquely positioned to reflect God’s love in the world as we serve others.
My next step is...
Welcome to our church! We’re so excited that you are interested in learning more about Trinity.
- Adults:
- Kids:
- Get you and/or your children Baptized.
- Drop of littles in our nursery.
- Deepen their faith in our Young 3’s-4th Grade children’s ministry.
- Involve your middle schoolers in our junior high ministry and Bible study.
- Involve high schoolers in our youth ministry.
There are so many ways to learn more about Jesus and others!
- Adults:
- Attend a Bible Study in-person or online.
- Join a Small Group.
- Join our Christian Growth Facebook Page.
- Contact our team if you need a Bible or personal study. suggestions.
- Children & Youth
- Participate in our Confirmation Program during 7th & 8th Grade and take our First Communion Class any time after 5th Grade.
Explore paths to serve the people in Utica/Michigan as well as the world.
- Adults:
- Children & Youth
- Connect with our team to find the best fit for your family!
- Adults:
- Explore our school.
- Participate in a Connect Group (hobby-based groups for the Trinity community to meet new people).
- Children & Youth:
- Participate in our VBS programming (Summer 2023).
- K-8th can attend our Summer Camp Programming.
- Go to a Youth Group meetup or trip.