
Throughout middle school students will work closely with parents through our family-based confirmation curriculum.

Confirmation Information

What Is Confirmation?

The Lutheran Church believes, teaches, and practices Infant Baptism because we believe that God’s Holy Spirit can and does give faith even to babies and small children.

At baptism the responsibility for faith is placed on parents and sponsors. At Confirmation, this responsibility is passed to the young adult.

Confirmation is a man-made practice or “rite” in which a person publicly admits (or “professes”) his/her faith in Jesus as Lord and Savior.

A person promises that s/he would rather die than give up this faith in Christ. As a church connected to the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, Trinity practices the Rite of Confirmation and offers it to members, both adults and youth.

General Information
Our Philosophy of Confirmation:

Trinity firmly believes that parents are the primary faith teachers. Our responsibility is to support you as you raise your children to know and love Jesus. Because of the Biblical command, we expect that you will be an active part of the Confirmation process.

Confirmation is a man-made practice or “rite” in which a person publicly admits (or “professes”) his/her faith in Jesus as Lord and Savior. We pray that this is a special and meaningful milestone in the lives of our young people.

Does my child have to be confirmed?

Confirmation is not required in the Bible, but it is an important part of our Lutheran heritage. Confirmation is

  • personal
  • a voluntary act
  • a connection to the people of the congregational and synod
  • a public recognition that the Confirmand has studied the Bible and the doctrine of the Lutheran church
  • a public proclamation that the Confirmand believe and trust in Jesus as their Savior from sins
Frequently Asked Questions

DATE: The Junior High Bible study begins mid-September in the Jr. High Youth Room. The Confirmation Ceremony is held the FIRST SATURDAY in May at 11 am. Typically that is during the 8th grade year when a person has completed the education and requirements to be confirmed. Students need to arrive by 10:30 am, and families can be seated at that time.

WORSHIP SERVICE: The Confirmation worship is typically 1.5 to 2 hours long depending upon the size of the class. This is a special event and we keep it moving, but we also want every family to enjoy the personal experience of blessing and praying for their child.

ROBES: Youth will need to purchase or borrow a robe for the service. There are a limited supply available to borrow on a “first come, first served” basis.

PHOTOS: Each year a professional photographer comes to take individual pictures of the class members. The photographer provides a robe and flower for the photo, and there is no cost for the sitting. Families may purchase photos if they choose. The pictures are taken the LAST WEDNESDAY of January in the year a student will be confirmed. Day school students can have photos taken during their study hall, while Midweek students can have photos taken before their evening class.  Families are welcome to take photos before and after the service.

FLOWERS: Trinity Lutheran Church will provide a red carnation corsage for each Confirmand. Parents are welcome to put those on prior to the worship service, or a teacher will help the students.

BIBLE VERSES: Students select their own Confirmation verse, so we strongly encourage parents to begin conversations early to help them choose a meaningful and appropriate verse. Verses must be approved.

SPECIAL NEEDS: We understand that no two students learn in the same way. We also understand that you know your child best. Please communicate specific concerns about learning issues because we will work with every student to make necessary and appropriate modifications to help them be successful in the program.

General Student Requirements

All students will…

1. Need to have been baptized in a Christian church

2. Have regular faithful church attendance. (75% minimum, as indicated by “We Care Card” participation)

3. Successfully complete their course of study including memory work, and  class assignments

4. Submit the appropriate forms documenting these requirements

  • Serve in public worship service at Trinity at least 10 times over the course of the 2 year program. 5 times must be by serving as an acolyte. The other 5 times can be in an area of your choosing. Turn in a signed (by Pastor or Volunteer Leader) copy of worship guide after serving.
  • Service hours from helping one of the various ministries around Trinity or the community.  The MINIMUM service requirements are 2 different times of service for at least 2 hours each for BOTH grade 7 and grade 8. (A total of 4 hours per year.) Service projects are a great family activity!
  • Attend the 7th and 8th grade retreat put on by Trinity.
  • Confirmation Interview: Students will need to complete an interview with a Pastor or Confirmation Coordinator, an elder, and their parents during the spring of their Confirmation year.
  • Confirmation Application: Students in grade 8 will need to apply for Confirmation by completing a special form. This will be due with their selected Bible verse early in the 8th grade year.

5. Attend the Sunday morning Bible study at 9:30 am (minimum 50% attendance)

6. Complete and test on all of the weekly video lessons that are to be watched as a family at home.

If there is a conflict with any of these requirements, please contact Andrew Brazeal  so we can get it worked out. We recognize that no family is the same and try to be accommodating of individual’s needs.

Year One Requirements

Trinity Lutheran Church Confirmation Program – Year 1

Trinity firmly believes that parents are the primary faith teachers. Our responsibility is to support you as you raise your children to know and love Jesus. Because of the Biblical command, we expect that you will be an active part of the Confirmation process. Confirmation is a practice or “rite” in which a person publicly admits (or “professes”) his/her faith in Jesus as Lord and Savior. It is a confirmation of the faith that God has created in us. We invite all young Christians who have been baptized into the Christian faith to be a part of our program starting in the 7th grade. Students can join later than the 7th grade year and start the two year process at the grade that they are in. Speak directly to the Confirmation Coordinator if your student is starting the program after 7th grade.

The Parent/Confirmand Video Series is a 10ish minute teaching with discussion questions for parents and confirmands. This will give you, the parents, the tools to help guide your child through different topics of faith. Your family will grow closer and more comfortable in having these faith talks. Our Year 1 lessons focus around the 6 Chief Parts of Luther’s Small Catechism: The Ten Commandments, The Apostle’s Creed, The Lord’s Prayer, The Sacraments (Baptism and Communion), and Confession and Absolution. Access to the videos on our website will be given after registration. To track progress on the videos, your students are to either turn in a signed copy of the conversation Guide to Andrew Brazeal or it  can also be kept in the confirmation binder if that helps with your organization. The questions in the guide are for personal use within your family- the answers do not need to be written out before being turned in. For non- Trinity day school students, the memory work on the back of the student guide must also be completed. Students of Trinity day school will complete their memory work as part of the school curriculum, they do not need to complete the memory work in the Binder. There is freedom for families as to when the videos are watched and discussed, but there are approximately 1 video per school week and we recommend finding a weekly routine for this activity. 

Church Attendance/Sermon Notes must be taken 75% of the weeks that church is offered at Trinity during the Confirmation year (24 Total times between Sept.15-April 27). Sermon Note guides are provided in the Confirmation Binder. The Sermon Notes are how we’ll be tracking attendance. The notes can be taken on any service, even services that aren’t at Trinity, just note what church you attended at the top of the paper! 

Retreats are an opportunity for the students to be taken off campus for an intentional time of fun, fellowship, and learning. Our retreats are all led by our Confirmation Coordinator and the Pastoral staff, with the help of other volunteers and chaperones. This year, from Dec. 6-8, our Year 1  students will be at Echo Grove Camp learning about how to love God with your heart, soul, and strength, and will discuss what it means to be a disciple of Jesus.

Serving in Worship is one of the many ways to serve our church. Through allowing our students to serve in different areas of the church, they can be trained and continue to serve after they complete the confirmation program. These service areas include being an acolyte, a greeter, an usher, working the soundboard, or other areas that your student might be interested in. Students must serve a total of 10 times over the course of the 2 year program. 5 of these times must be as an acolyte. The other 5 times are the student’s choice of other service opportunities, but can also include more acolyting. There is training for these opportunities in the fall and throughout the year. In order to track who served in what service, the serving student must have a pastor or volunteer leader sign the worship guide or fill out the acolyting form online. A sign up to serve will be available at the beginning of September and January. 

Serving in Social Ministry is a foundational part of being a disciple of Jesus. Each year, every student must participate in at least 2 service opportunities of at least 2 hours each- a total of 4 hours per year. These opportunities can include assisting in our various outreach ministries here at Trinity or a project outside of Trinity that your family values. There is a form on our website to complete after serving, telling us what you did and how God was present. During the course of the year, to the Jr. High Youth Group will provide 2, non mandatory, service projects that anyone can participate in that will fulfill this requirement.

Year 1  Requirements

  • Register for the Confirmation Program between Aug 8-Sept 15
  • Church attendance: at least 75% of the services, as measured by completion of Sermon notes.
    • Watch and complete all video lessons with parents designated for Year 1 students. Turn in a signed copy of the student guide into Andrew or keep the signed copies in your binder until the end of the year.
    • Memory Work will be included in the video lesson handout. Trinity students will complete memory work as part of their school work, they do not need to complete the memory work on the Video Guides..
    • Serve in public worship service at Trinity at least 10 times over the course of the 2 year program. 5 times must be by serving as an acolyte. The other 5 times can be in an area of your choosing. These are tracked in your binder. This is explained in the Serving in Worship Section.
    • Complete at least 2 service projects of 2 hours each and fill out an online report. 
    • Attend  the Year 1 Confirmation Retreat on Dec. 6-8 at Echo Grove Campgrounds.
  • Trinity’s day school religion class will follow and reinforce the teachings of the video lessons.
  • Early Communion Class available prior to Maundy Thursday. (optional for Year 1)

Contact the Confirmation Coordinator, Andrew Brazeal at 586-731-4490 ext.152 or if you have any questions about our program or would like to help in any way!

Year Two Requirements

Trinity Lutheran Church Confirmation Program – Year 2 

Trinity firmly believes that parents are the primary faith teachers. Our responsibility is to support you as you raise your children to know and love Jesus. Because of the Biblical command, we expect that you will be an active part of the Confirmation process. Confirmation is a practice or “rite” in which a person publicly admits (or “professes”) his/her faith in Jesus as Lord and Savior. It is a confirmation of the faith that God has created in us. We invite all young Christians who have been baptized into the Christian faith to be a part of our program starting in the 7th grade. Students can join later than the 7th grade year and start the two year process at the grade that they are in. Speak directly to the Confirmation Coordinator if your student is starting the program after 7th grade. 

The Parent/Confirmand Video Series is a 10ish minute teaching with discussion questions for parents and confirmands. This will give you, the parents, the tools to help guide your child through different topics of faith. Your family will grow closer and more comfortable in having these faith talks. Our Year 2 program focuses more on apologetics – defending the faith. They will take a closer look at who Jesus is, how we got the Bible, why our faith is important in an ever changing culture, and how to stand up for that faith. To track progress on the videos, your students are to either turn in a signed copy of the conversation Guide to Andrew Brazeal or it  can also be kept in the confirmation binder if that helps with your organization. The questions in the guide are for personal use within your family- the answers do not need to be written out before being turned in. For non- Trinity day school students, the memory work on the back of the student guide must also be completed. Students of Trinity day school will complete their memory work as part of the school curriculum, they do not need to complete the memory work in the Binder. There is freedom for families as to when the videos are watched and discussed, but there are approximately 1 video per school week and we recommend finding a weekly routine for this activity.  This year’s Year 2 Confirmation Ceremony will be on Saturday, May 3 at 11:00am in the Sanctuary.

Church Attendance/Sermon Notes must be taken 75% of the weeks that church is offered at Trinity during the Confirmation year (24 Total times between Sept.15-April 27). Sermon Note guides are provided in the Confirmation Binder. The Sermon Notes are how we’ll be tracking attendance. The notes can be taken on any service, even services that aren’t at Trinity, just note what church you attended at the top of the paper! 

Retreats are an opportunity for the students to be taken off campus for an intentional time of fun, 

fellowship, and learning. Our retreats are all led by our Confirmation Coordinator and the Pastoral staff, with the help of other volunteers and chaperones. This year our Year 2  students will be at Echo Grove Camp learning about how to be a witness to Jesus by discovering their own Faith Story to share with others.

Serving in Worship is one of the many ways to serve our church. Through allowing our students to serve in different areas of the church, they can be trained and continue to serve after they complete the confirmation program. These service areas include being an acolyte, a greeter, an usher, working the soundboard, or other areas that your student might be interested in. Students must serve a total of 10 times over the course of the 2 year program. 5 of these times must be as an acolyte. The other 5 times are the student’s choice of other service opportunities, but can also include more acolyting. There is training for these opportunities in the fall and throughout the year. In order to track who served in what service, the serving student must have a pastor or volunteer leader sign the worship guide or fill out the acolyting form online. A sign up to serve will be available at the beginning of September and January. 

Serving in Social Ministry is a foundational part of being a disciple of Jesus. Each year, every student must participate in at least 2 service opportunities of at least 2 hours each- a total of 4 hours per year. These opportunities can include assisting in our various outreach ministries here at Trinity or a project outside of Trinity that your family values. There is a form on our website to complete after serving, telling us what you did and how God was present. During the course of the year,to

 the Jr. High Youth Group will provide 2, non mandatory, service projects that anyone can participate in that will fulfill this requirement.

Year 2 Requirements


  • Update Confirmation Coordinator with any changed contact information from registration
  • Church attendance: at least 75% of the services, as measured by completion of Sermon notes.
  • Watch and complete all video lessons with parents designated for Year 2 students. Turn in a signed copy of the student guide into Andrew or keep the signed copies in your binder until the end of the year.
  • Memory Work will be included in the video lesson handout. Trinity students will complete memory work as part of their school work, they do not need to complete the memory work on the Video Guides.
    • Serve in public worship service at Trinity at least 10 times over the course of the 2 year program. 5 times must be by serving as an acolyte. The other 5 times can be in an area of your choosing. These are tracked in your binder. This is explained in the Serving in Worship Section.
    • Complete at least 2 service projects of 2 hours each and fill out the online report.  
    • Attend and report on the Year 2 Confirmation Retreat in March  at Echo Grove Camp.
    • Complete Confirmation Service paperwork and submit by the due date.
    • Attend Confirmation Interview as assigned in spring.
    • Have Confirmation photos taken. This is a free service done at Trinity for the class composite photo. Purchasing photos is optional.
    • IF NEEDED: Purchase a Confirmation robe if you do not have one to use. 
    • Attend the Confirmation Ceremony
  • Trinity’s day school religion class will follow and reinforce the teachings of the video lessons.
  • Early Communion Class available prior to Maundy Thursday. (These classes are required for any Year 2 student who has not taken them in prior years.)

 This year’s Year 2 Confirmation Ceremony will be on Saturday, May 3 at 11:00am in the Sanctuary.

Contact the Confirmation Coordinator, Andrew Brazeal at 586-731-4490 ext.152 or if you have any questions about our program or would like to help in any way!

Acolyte Sign-Up Calendar

Acolyte Sign Up Calendar

Serving in Worship is one of the many ways to serve our church. Through allowing our students to  serve in different areas of the church, they can be trained and continue to serve after they complete the confirmation program. These service areas include being an acolyte, a greeter, an usher, serving in Kids’ Connection, working the soundboard, or other areas that your student might be interested in. Students must serve a total of 10 times over the course of the 2 year program. 5 of these times must be as an acolyte. The other 5 times are the student’s choice of other service opportunities, but can also include more acolyting.

We want our students to have the opportunity to experience and serve in a variety of worship styles, so of the 5 required acolyting times,

2 of these must be in the Sanctuary,

2 of these must be in the gym, and

1 of these must be at a special service, such as a holiday or Lent service

There is training for these opportunities in the fall and throughout the year. In order to track who served in what service, the serving student must have a pastor or volunteer leader sign the worship guide. Turn this signed guide into the Confirmation Coordinator. A sign up to serve will be available at the beginning of July and January.

Currently, acolyting is the only service opportunity available to sign up for. We will open sign ups for  other opportunities in the fall.

1. Log in to

2. Go to the help tab along the top line. Click on the second choice is “Find a Sign up” Search by an email. You will put in

3. Create an account so that you can sign up. Only one sign up is needed for households with multiple confirmation students.

4. Choose your preferred date, time, and worship location.

5. On the Friday before you are scheduled to acolyte you will receive a reminder email.

6. Changes?  If your schedule changes you can request a swap date at anytime prior to the day of serving.  This will generate an email to the person you wish to swap with, and they will have the option to accept or deny the proposed change.

Please ensure that students have completed training prior to signing up for a session to serve. 

Service Projects

Jesus calls us to serve one another in love. Not only did He merely say it, He also modeled it many times, showing us exactly what it means to serve. In fact, right before He was arrested and ultimately crucified, He took the lowest slave job and washed His disciples’ feet.  He WANTS us to live a life of service. More than that, He promised that whatever service we do for others is the same as doing it for Him!

We serve others because we love Jesus and want to serve Him. We require service projects for Confirmation because Confirmation is about far more than just head knowledge; it is also about a change of heart. Jesus said, “You will show that you are my disciples by bearing fruit” which includes doing acts of service as a lifestyle.

We encourage families to try and be part of at least one service project with their student. It is a great learning lesson, and kids also need to see their parents serving too.

What Service Is:
  • Service is ANY time we do something nice or helpful for a person, a group, or the community.
  • It is service to pick up garbage on the ground.
  • It is service to volunteer to usher at church.
  • It is service to rake an elderly neighbor’s yard.
  • It is service to do dishes at home.
What A Service Project Is:

While there are infinite kinds of service acts, for the purpose of documentation, an “official Confirmation service project” must meet several criterion, as follows:

  • Planned (deliberate) and organized
  • Helpful to a group or person
  • A minimum of 2 hours for one project. Sometimes, you will have to do things twice to add up to 2 hours (still one service project). Example: helping in the church nursery for one hour time slots. Sometimes, you will work MANY hours but it will still only count as one service project. Example: helping at VBC for 15 hours in a week.
What A Service Project Is Not:
  • Anything you would normally do as part of a community. (e.g. taking out the trash at home, babysitting your brother, or attending a Boy Scout meeting are NOT service projects)
  • Fun, silly things that don’t help people (e.g. Standing on a street corner with a “Honk if you love Jesus” sign, while fun, and possibly thought provoking, doesn’t really meet anyone’s need and is NOT a service project)
  • Anything you get paid for. There is NOTHING wrong with getting paid for working, but “service” implies it is a gift.
What Are Acceptable Service Projects?

Here is a TINY list of onsite service opportunities at Trinity:

  • SSS: Every Sunday of the year
  • Market Day: (monthly – school year)
  • CHILDREN’S MINISTRY EVENTS like the Easter party or Trunk or Treat
  • VBC: one week each summer
  • MCREST: one week each summer
  • Church Christmas decorating
  • Motown Soup/pancake mix: seasonally
  • Journey Worship helpers
  • NSO Food Prep/distribution (Sat)
  • Nursery Assistance: weekly
  • Kids Connection helpers: weekly (school year)
  • Here is a TINY list of offsite service opportunities locally:
  • Gleaners Food Bank
  • Any local nursing home: make cards and posters, distribute them to residents
  • Volunteer at Pontiac Rescue Mission
  • Volunteer at Pontiac Salt and Light Company kids program
  • Participate in Nerve to Serve day
  • Grant Park clean up day
  • Salvation Army Bell Ringing (Christmas season)
Confirmation Retreats

Information coming soon!

Confirmation Videos

Learning to be an Acolyte

Confirmation Year One

Confirmation Year Two

Who To Contact

Andrew Brazeal

Youth Ministry Associate

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