Welcome to Trinity

Our Beliefs

Trinity is a Lutheran Church Missouri Synod (LCMS) Congregation. We don’t know where you are in your faith walk, but we understand that your questions are worth answering. While it’s impossible to address every question you might have, we hope this overview will at least provide a start.

Our Vision & Mission

Vision: Establishing 20,000 relationships through the ministries of Trinity
Mission: Making Disciples who Share Christ's Story with Love!

Our Values

These values mark a disciple at Trinity.


By being loved by Jesus we in turn will love one another as we have been loved.


We have God’s Word, therefore we study it and have Christian education for the next generation.


We put our faith into action by actively using our talents to serve others in practical and dynamic ways.


We believe in making disciples and being leaders in the ministries of Trinity, in the community around us and in our homes.

Our Team

We have a great team here at Trinity Lutheran Church, and we can't wait to meet you. Here's more about us.


Where is Trinity Lutheran Church and School located?

Our campus is conveniently accessible anywhere in the Macomb/Shelby Area, thanks to the intersection of Interstate-59 and Van Dyke. We are located on the northeast corner.

Where should l park?
  • Parking lot on the north side is for the Sanctuary and/or church offices
  • Parking lot on the south side is for the gym and/or school (gym entrance is on the southwest corner and the school office is on the southeast corner)


What is your service schedule?


  • Saturday: 5:30 pm (blended) on-site
  • Sunday: 8:00 am (traditional) in the Sanctuary, 9:30 am (blended) in the Sanctuary, 9:45 am (contemporary) in the gym, and 11:15 (contemporary) in the Sanctuary.  The 8, 9:30, and 11:15 services are livestreamed online.  The 9:45 service is livestreamed to Trinity’s Facebook page.
  • Monday: 7:00 pm (blended) on-site


What should I wear?

You will see some in jeans, some in suits, and others somewhere in-between. You are welcome here, so be yourself!

What programs do you have for kids?

Trinity Kids: Trinity Kids is a Sunday School program available at 9:30/9:45 am throughout the fall and winter months.  This program takes a hiatus during the summer.

Sermon Notes for Kids & Activity Bags: These quiet activities are designed to keep your little ones engaged during worship and are available at all services, no matter what time your family chooses to attend!

I'm not sure where to go.

Greeters will be at our entrances, ready to assist you. We look forward to seeing you!

What are your building hours?
Monday – 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Tuesday – 8:00 am – 9:00 pm
Wednesday – 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Thursday – 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Friday – 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Saturday – 4:30 pm – 7:00 pm
Sunday – 7:00 am – 1:00 pm
Please call 586-731-4490 if you have any questions regarding when the building is open.
Welcome to Trinity!
Hello! How can we help you today?
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