[RE]FOCUS Day 4 Week 1: [RE]FOCUS Day 4: Revealing: Unchangeable identity of Jesus by Brenda Havers READ: “I tell you the truth,” Jesus answered,...
[RE]FOCUS Day 3 Week 1: [RE]FOCUS Day 3: Miracles that Restore by Josh Britton John 3:16 – “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only...
Coping with Overwhelming Feelings during COVID-19 Fellow Believers in Christ, Following my last post on empathy, I received an e-mail from one of you with a link to a story about the rise...
[RE]FOCUS Day 2 Week 1: [RE]FOCUS Day 2: Miracles that Restore By Katie Lindhurst READ: Jesus performed many miracles throughout His ministry here...
[RE]FOCUS Day 1 Week 1: [RE]FOCUS Day 1 Devotion – Reflecting: “Mic-Drop” by Pastor Justin Krupsky READ: Every once in a while someone says something...
How Does Clothing Ministry Fill the Need? By: Jenny Jaroneski, Social Ministry Associate I know when I think about clothing banks or closets, I think about the thrift stores run by...
Christ and Empathy By: Rev. Chad Wright, Associate Pastor of Christian Care and Counseling Fellow Believers in Christ, I am frequently saddened by the...
What About the Pets Experiencing Financial Hardship? By: Jenny Jaroneski, Social Ministry Associate Our ministry is focused on serving our community in need. Unfortunately, there is one very...
Caring For Those Who Suffer from Social Anxiety By: Rev. Chad E. Wright, Associate Pastor of Christian Care & Counseling Do you like wearing a mask? Months into the pandemic, people...