[RE]FOCUS Day 19 Week 3: Restoring Day 5: Raising the Dead By Pastor Chad Wright READ: Scripture: Luke 7:14–16 Jesus said, “Young man, I say to...
[RE]FOCUS Day 18 Week 3: Restoring Day 4: Feeding by Bruce Volkert READ: Mark 6:42, 8:8a “And they all ate and were satisfied.” There are two accounts...
[RE]FOCUS Day 17 Week 3: Restoring Day 3: Healing by Cyndi Carpenter READ: Mark 2:9-10 “Which is easier: to say to this paralyzed man, ‘Your sins are...
Living with Purpose By: Pastor Chad Wright, Associate Pastor of Christian Care & Counseling Some questions have arisen in among some theological threads I...
[RE]FOCUS Day16 Week 3: Restoring Day 2: Spiritual Authority By Pastor Chris Troxel READ: Matthew 15:28 – Then Jesus answered her, ‘O woman,...
[RE]FOCUS Day 15 Week 3: Restoring Day 1: Miracles & Creation By Pastor Chris Troxel READ: Genesis 3:8 – Then the man and his wife heard...
[RE]FOCUS Day 14 Week 2: Reflecting Day 7: Gospel by Brie Termini READ: Isaiah 53:12 The 53 rd chapter of Isaiah lists some of the things Jesus endured...
Tell Someone: The Ripple in Social Ministry By: Jenny Jaroneski, Social Ministry Associate Some of the most frequent questions we hear in social ministry have to do with connections....
[RE]FOCUS Day 13 Week 2: Reflecting Day 6: Prophets By Miriam Hoerner READ: Have you ever been told a prediction of something in the future that was...