Easter Meal Basket

April 2, 2023 1:00 - 2:30pm  |  Trinity Lutheran Church, Utica - Accessory Building (Located in the North Parking Lot near the Large Playground)

Trinity’s Food Ministry provides Easter food baskets to individuals and families in need with a frozen ham or turkey and non-perishable items needed to prepare a Easter Meal delivered to your door the Sunday before the resurrection of Christ Jesus!

Holiday Baskets are also available for Thanksgiving and Christmas each year.


  • Baskets will be delivered by our Delivery Volunteers on the afternoon of Sunday, March 24, 2024 after1:00 pm.
  • Delivery Requests: We do ask that families be in a 5-10 mile radius for delivery unless there are special circumstances we can take into consideration.
  • If you prefer to not have your basket delivered, you may choose to pick up your basket at our church between 1:00 pm and 2:30 pm.
  • Baskets are able to be picked up from our accessory building located in the North end of of our parking lot near the Playground.


  • Our volunteer teams will be packing the baskets Sunday early afternoon and delivering them in the mid-afternoon.
  • We will need volunteers to help gather donations, sort donations, pack baskets and deliver baskets leading up to and on the date of our event.

We pray that these non-perishables and food items bless each family this Easter as we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ our Savior. 

Please direct additional questions via email to socialministry@trinityutica.com