The Garden of Peace

Pastor Justin Krupsky   -  
I love how John starts his Gospel. “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” Reflect on this with me: “In the beginning.” His beginning statement causes us to reflect on the Garden of Eden, a place with no weeds, a place of peace. Just a few sentences later He says this, “And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen His glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.” John is saying, we all have experienced what Adam and Eve experienced in the Garden. Jesus restored what once was; He pulled the weeds. The truth for us today is that He still is.
Each spring my wife plants vegetables, but each summer the weeds come. As those weeds come up, what do we do? We weed. We restore. This is what Jesus, the Word, the One who was and is and will always be with us did and still does today. The One who is full of grace and truth is ready to restore your garden today.
So, what weed does He need to pull today from your life? Maybe it’s greed, maybe it’s envy, or maybe it’s lust. He is here not just full of truth, but also amazing grace. Reflect on the Word, “Your sins are forgiven.” You have been restored. The Word was in the beginning, the Word has been seen, and the Word has been spoken. As we reflect and focus on Jesus, may we walk in the garden in peace with our Savior, our gardener.