LAMP Report – Sucker River Saskatchewan: July 24 Return


LAMP Partners,

“Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them.  Luke 18.16

Thank you for your prayers and love.  This latest trip to the indigenous community of Sucker River, Saskatchewan was probably the best ever.  Thank you again for all of your prayers and the support given by Trinity Lutheran Utica.

Let me start with the highlights.  Our first day, Monday July 29 saw us hosting MORE CHILDREN THAN WE’VE EVER HAD, 42.  Our community supper, which in the past has attracted 5-7 adults had a whopping 90 people participate. Our last day, Friday August 2, had a record breaking 25 kids.  We are so blessed and very encouraged with the numbers that we witnessed to.  Of course, we know that witnessing for Jesus is not about numbers but we are very encouraged that we were able to touch so many lives.

Now for some details.  We flew to Saskatoon where we rented a couple of pick-up trucks (cheaper than cars believe it or not).  After stopping at Pastor Randy Heide’s house for supplies, we continued the 5 hour trip to Missinipe, not counting stops for lunch, groceries and a tarp (due to unexpected rain).  Now Missinipe is a nice place but it’s 45 minutes north of Sucker River on a gravel road. I frequently say that the travel days are the most difficult part of the trip.

Sunday we were warmly welcomed at La Ronge Lutheran Fellowship church followed by preparing for VBS at Chief Moses Ratt School (CMRS) our headquarters.  Monday the kids were lined up out the door.  They were very happy to see us and a little unruly.

“There are different varieties of gifts, but the same spirit.  There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord.  There are different forms of activity, but the same God who produces all of them in everyone.” 1 Cor 12:4-6

We had an awesome team.  I’ve heard it said that some of the best teams function well at their jobs in spite of having personal differences.  We had that team.  Cindy Gliesman did an incredible job of planning out the entire trip.  Jan Pratt was looking out for potential problems and solutions. Jan Hastings and Tom Schlegel worked tirelessly in the kitchen preparing lunches and snacks. Jessica Campbell and Ty Spalding, I don’t know how they kept up the energy to deal with the kids.  Jessica had girls constantly braiding and playing with her hair. Ty had a kid on his back every step of the 2 miles that we walked the neighborhood.  They went swimming with the kids and they provided music.  Me, I sang songs and tried to keep everybody motivated.  None of us could have done the others jobs as well

Kids.  The kids were very happy and very undisciplined.  It’s bittersweet.  We’re pretty sure that they feel our love which is why they want to be with us and we pray that Jesus whom we come to proclaim will be a part of their lives. We pray that if nothing else they feel the love and know that the love comes from Jesus.  But they have so much energy…

Community Supper.  We’ve been trying for at least 5 years to reach out to the adults in the community with the love of Jesus.  We have done this by hosting a community supper and previously had dismal results maybe 5-7 adults.  This last February, Peter Rynearson came up with the idea that we should serve KFC chicken, a popular meal.  We were giving away a lot of chicken at the end of the night. This time we had about 90 people show up.  We ran out of food.  We’re still not sure what made the difference. Maybe it was the grandmother (Kukum) who showed up at the last supper.  Maybe it was the 20 kids who helped us pass out 50 fliers (remember Ty carrying kids for 2 miles?) Maybe it was having it outside at the Old Cultural Site.  Whatever it was we will be more ready for them next time including thanking them for coming and telling them more about Jesus.

I think of the children with their smiling faces and love.  I think of our team of missionaries.  We all came back with mixed feelings of joy, accomplishment, amazement, disappointment and fatigue.  Yes we were all very tired at the end of the week.  I also think of the little girl who showed up in the same pair of pajamas all week long.  I think of a young girl who has been a problem child in the past.  She is still a problem, but we all saw a softening of her heart.  I know that we still have a lot of work to do.   We’re already making plans for February 2025.

Ray Pratt