
Allison Carr   -  

By Janis Buelow (Christian Growth Associate)


Last week was my supervisor’s last day at work. In her absence, she left me a short devotional flipbook called A Woman of Noble Character by Hope Schatzmann. The devotions center around specific verses from Proverbs 31 and fully describes the hope of Women’s Ministry at Trinity – of which the mission statement literally is “to create noble, strong women of Christ.”

I’m only a few days into the devotions, but the one with verse 11 titled “Trustworthy” sticks out to me. The verse says, “Her husband can trust her…” (Proverbs 31:11) and follows with the thought, “Ask God to show you how you can share His love by being a trustworthy person to those around you. God can be glorified through the integrity you have in your relationships.”

The reason this passage stuck out to me was because there is a lot happening in the world today. Being a young adult who is learning the ropes in the world, it has been very tiring to balance work and home while also hearing the countless stories of the world seemingly falling apart around us. But this thought reminds us to center our hearts and the love that we have back on God and especially back on the people around us – literally saying that God can be glorified through the relationships we have. Not only that, but it emphasizes the importance of trust in our relationships. Meaning, no matter what is happening around us, no matter what we may deal with on a daily basis, trust is the most important part of our relationships. It’s revitalizing and recentering to help us focus on what is most important in the midst of craziness – loving God and loving others.

Dear God, help me to be trustworthy to you and to those around me. Amen.