[RE]FOCUS Day 21

Becki Konkel   -  

Week 3: Restoring
Day 7: Resurrecting
by Becki Konkel

1 Corinthians 15:19-20 “If in Christ we have hope in this life only, we are of all people
most to be pitied. But in fact Christ has been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those
who have fallen asleep.”
What do you think of when you consider the word authority? Definitely an expert of some kind.
Someone who knows everything about a subject. A local news station refers to themselves as
the “Weather Authority” giving you confidence that when you tune into their station you will get
the most accurate weather forecast in town. Or maybe you picture a court scene in a movie or
TV show. An authority in forensics or DNA testing steps forth and gives testimony changing the
course of the trial. One dictionary entry defines authority as the right to control, command, or
determine. Being an authority takes learning, experience and hard work.
Tucked into the word authority is the word author. Whatever an author creates they know
intimately, every nuance, every detail. In Genesis 1 we know that God the Father, Jesus the
Son, and the Holy Spirit are the Author and Creator of everything, thus giving Him authority over
all of creation. In Genesis 3 Adam (the first man) ushers in death yet he is wholly inadequate to
be its authority. God, understanding the need for an authority over death sends Jesus to be that
authority. 1 Corinthians 15:4 tells us that Jesus was dead. That He was buried and that He
was raised on the third day. God has put all things in subjection under Jesus’ feet (1 Cor.
15:17), including death. Jesus may have not been the author of death but through His death on
the cross and His resurrection from the grave He has become its authority and death is now
subject to Him. Praise God the outcome is different, death no longer has control. Eternal life is
available to all who believe and live for Jesus. Look to the cross!

Jesus, Author and Perfecter of all things, thank You for Your promise to hear when I pray.
Thank You for using Your authority to end death’s hold on me, and breathe life into me day after
day. As all that breathes declares Your praise, let my breath and voice join with them here
today and with You in eternity. Amen.

Does knowing that God is the authority comfort you, make you nervous, or a bit of both? How
does Jesus’ resurrection help you trust Him?