[RE]FOCUS Day 17

Cyndi Carpenter   -  

Week 3: Restoring
Day 3: Healing
by Cyndi Carpenter

Mark 2:9-10 “Which is easier: to say to this paralyzed man, ‘Your sins are forgiven,’ or to
say, ‘Get up, take your mat and walk’?  But I want you to know that the Son of Man has
authority on earth to forgive sins.” So he said to the man, “I tell you, get up, take your
mat and go home.”
About 18 years ago when my husband Tim and I first decided to start trying to start our own
family, I didn’t realize what a struggle it would be. After trying for three years and no results we
started feeling hopeless and that maybe God didn’t intend for us to be parents. In a bible study
about how God blessed Sarah and Abraham with a son, the Spirit encouraged me to not lose
hope or doubt Him.
Doors started opening: doctor referrals, a fertility specialist, and a consult explaining that this
was not a hopeless case and she was determined to help me. After a little more than a year,
many tests and procedures, still no pregnancy. The fertility doctor said she was not giving up
and we shouldn’t either. This was what I had to do, and part of God’s way of leading me to
healing. Others believed this as well: I was praying, as was my family. Just before surgery
began, my doctor bowed her head and prayed. In that moment I heard God speak to me and
said, “I am here with you; you will be healed”. On my 30 th birthday, I received a call from the
doctor’s office that I was pregnant. What a birthday gift!
It was a miracle. The paralytic and his friends trusted the One who forgives, hears prayers, and
heals. Jesus forgave my sin. I trusted the One who forgave my sin would hear my prayers and
heal my body. I was forgiven and healed. Working through doctors and surgery and faith, Jesus
was always with me, talking to me and leading me. Even though my faith was shaky at times,
His love and promises never failed me. He will never fail any of us as He leads us to trust Him
and His Word. As He draws us closer, He continues to speak to us through His Word. We need
Him to refocus our hearts and minds. Looking back at this now with my son, 13 years old, it
makes me smile. He is my miracle baby. When trials come up, I am frequently taken back to
this time and reminded of God’s presence, forgiveness, and healing, and my faith is quickly
renewed. God is so amazing!

Heavenly Father, You are our Healer and Giver of life. Your love for us is so strong and
unconditional and You never turn away from us. Please forgive us when we doubt Your power,

presence, and promises. Continue to draw us closer to You and Your Word so that our faith
may grow stronger every day and that we may not fall into doubt or fear when we face sickness,
hurt or any trials. In Jesus name we pray. Amen!

When God says “Yes” to our prayers, it's wonderful: miracles happen! When God says “no” to
our prayers, sometimes it's difficult to accept. God always forgives by grace through faith. How
does this affect your faith to receive God’s yes’s and no’s?